A Colony of Terrors 23 May – 11 June 2009

Opens Wednesday 27 May, 6pm

To be opened by Adam Geczy
Artist, Writer & Lecturer, Syney College of the Arts

7pm, Artist talk and special guest performances

Adam Hill does not whisper, he shouts. In Hill’s art we see strong political views mixed with heavy doses of black humour. His paintings pay homage to freedom fighters and tell the story of the injustice, inequality and dislocation of Aboriginal people. Hill’s use of bold, intense colour, heavy outlines and simple graphic elements offer a striking picture and are, in many ways, reminiscent of the caricatured style of protest art.

Url: http://www.harrisongalleries.com.au/exhibitions/a-colony-of-terrors

Artist: adam hill

Category: Australia ,

Tags: adam hill ,

Gallery: Harrison Galleries ,