Miami, Florida/March 2010 – Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts is pleased to announce the opening of The Inspired Dream | Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art on Saturday, May 8th during the Wynwood Art District Second Saturday Gallery Walk. A reception will take place at the gallery from 7:30 to 10:00pm. The exhibition will be on view through July 6th, 2010.

The Inspired Dream | Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art

Although Aboriginal art has only been internationally recognized as a significant movement for the past forty years, its history is long and integral to the work by the present-day artists included in this exhibition. They are Betty Mbitjana, Michelle Possum, Walangkura Napanangka, George Ward Tjungurrayi, Bill Willi King, Abie Loy Kemarre, Dolly Mills Petyarre, Ningura Napaurrula, Takariya Napaltjari, Gabriella Possum Nungurrayi and Jeannie Petyarre.
As has occurred elsewhere, the indigenous people of Australia have been marginalized in their own land for much of recent history. Changes began to arise in the 1960’s and 1970’s that served as a catalyst for the discovery by the Western world of the art produced by a multitude of communities located throughout the continent.

It is an art based on belief systems unique to Australia, which often refer to the Dreamtime in which creation took place. This Dreamtime involved travels of the creation ancestors, journeys that continue to be followed today along Dream paths that lead to important sites all over the country. In this manner, the art is linked not only to the Aboriginal people and history, but to the land itself. The distinctive symbols and designs stem from this tradition. Each artist is tied to this tradition culturally and artistically while still creating their own individual art.

Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts
2043 N Miami Avenue | Miami, FL 33127 | | T. 305.576.1804 F. 305.576.1805


Artist: betty mbitjana, michelle possum, walangkura napanangka, george ward tjungurrayi, bill willi king, abie loy kemarre, dolly mills petyarre, ningura napaurrula, takariya napaltjari, gabriella possum nungurrayi, jeannie petyarre

Category: Media ,

Tags: abie loy kemarre , betty mbitjana , bill willi king , dolly mills petyarre , gabriella possum nungurrayi , george ward tjungurrayi , jeannie petyarre , michelle possum , ningura napaurrula , takariya napaltjari , walangkura napanangka ,

Gallery: Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts ,